
2019 IBRO Luncheon Seminar Pre-registration (2019 뇌신경학회 런천세미나 사전등록)

등록일  .  2019.08.14    조회수  .  3912 ㈜KNTSC luncheon seminar Personal information.xlsx
2019년 뇌신경학회 추계국제학술대회

IBRO2019 세계뇌신경학회에 사전등록하신 선생님에 한하여 진행하는 부분 꼭 확인 후

한국비임상기술지원센터 런천세미나 사전등록 해주시기 바랍니다.

한국비임상기술지원센터에서 런천세미나를 할 예정입니다.
런천세미나 사전등록을 원하시는 연구자분들께서는 첨부파일에 인적사항을 기재하셔서 info@kntsc.kr로 회신 부탁드립니다.
(If you would like to pre-register for a luncheon seminar, please write your personal information in the attached file and reply to info@kntsc.kr.)
Place - Dae-gu EXCO
Date   - Sep,22(Sun) 2019 12:40 ~ Sep,22(Sun) 14:30
Room - 211, 2F
Title - Innovative Animal Model Generation and Application with Highly Efficient Gene Editing Technologies
Speaker - CHAOSHE GUO, PH.D; (Vice president, Beijing Biocytogen Co., Ltd; Biocytogen Boston Corp)
Gene Edited animal models have been widely used and play crucial roles in biomedical research and drug discovery. Thanks to the development of new gene editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9, generation of gene modified animal models of different species and strains practically not only is possible but also becomes cost and time effective. Furthermore gene therapy using gene editing technologies has very promising potentials. To improve knockin efficiency of CRISPR/Cas9 technology, Biocytogen develops a CRISPR-based Extreme Gene Editing System (EGETM). Compared with standard CRISPR/Cas9, EGE system can enhance knockin efficiency by 10-20 folds. Meanwhile we found CRISPR/Cas9 technology may cause more random integration than traditional mouse ESC/HR method. To ensure the quality of animal models, random integration has to be eliminated by strict quality control step such as southern blot. Recently we extend our knockin capability to magabase (Mb) level using chromosome engineering technology and successfully developed fully human antibody mice (RenMab) in which variable regions of mouse heavy chain and kappa light chain are completely replaced by human counterpart. In the past 10 years, Biocytogen has become one of the global leaders in gene edited animal model production with its highly reliable and efficient technology platforms and served 1500+ clients from academic institutes and biopharmaceutical companies around the world. In 2018, we delivered over 1500 gene modified mouse/rat models/cell lines for our clients. Working together with our academic partners, Biocytogen has created a series of gene modified rat models to facilitate the research of neuroscience including AD study. Furthermore, our unique models which range from single and double humanized immune checkpoint mouse models (e.g. B-hPD-1 mice), to human immune system reconstituted immune-deficient mice (B-NDG mice), are extremely useful for in vivo efficacy studies as they are excellent tools to evaluate antibody and compound candidates targeting specific human immune checkpoints at various stages of drug development.